Health Office
Health Assistant: Spring Tenney
E-mail: [email protected]
The health office at First Avenue is where the health assistant monitors the students’ health while they are at school. This includes several health screenings during the school year, assisting your student when s/he is ill or injured, and dispensing and receiving medications if needed during the school day (with the appropriate form from a physician).
Three important health screenings are done during the school year:
VISION SCREENING: All 6th grade students and all students receiving Special Education services have their vision checked by an association contracted with the Arcadia Unified School District. If there is a concern after the testing, a notice will be mailed home to the parents. Please make sure your student wears his/her glasses or contacts on the day of testing.
HEARING SCREENING: All 8th grade students and all students receiving Special Education services have their hearing checked by an association contracted with the Arcadia Unified School District. If there is a concern after the testing, a notice will be mailed home to the parents.
SCOLIOSIS SCREENING: All 7th grade girls and all 8th grade boys are checked for Scoliosis, unless a request by the parents is received indicating they do not want or need the screening. Scoliosis is a medical condition involving a curvature of the spine. This screening is done by the district nurse, and if there is a concern after testing a notice will be mailed home to the parents.
Three important health screenings are done during the school year:
VISION SCREENING: All 6th grade students and all students receiving Special Education services have their vision checked by an association contracted with the Arcadia Unified School District. If there is a concern after the testing, a notice will be mailed home to the parents. Please make sure your student wears his/her glasses or contacts on the day of testing.
HEARING SCREENING: All 8th grade students and all students receiving Special Education services have their hearing checked by an association contracted with the Arcadia Unified School District. If there is a concern after the testing, a notice will be mailed home to the parents.
SCOLIOSIS SCREENING: All 7th grade girls and all 8th grade boys are checked for Scoliosis, unless a request by the parents is received indicating they do not want or need the screening. Scoliosis is a medical condition involving a curvature of the spine. This screening is done by the district nurse, and if there is a concern after testing a notice will be mailed home to the parents.
The health office MUST HAVE on file a “Physician’s Recommendation for Medication” form for a student to legally receive medication while at school. This includes all over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, Advil, cough and cold medications, and homeopathic medications as well. These forms are available from the health assistant in the health office, and are updated every year if needed. Students CANNOT carry with them any medications, including over–the-counter medications, except for Asthma inhalers, Emergency EpiPens, and Diabetic Insulin and only if their doctor states it is necessary for them to carry it with them on this form. If parents have concerns about their student needing medications at school, please contact the health assistant at First Avenue Middle School by phone at (626) 821-8362 ext. 6247 or by e-mail at [email protected].
Illnesses and Injuries
Sometimes students will become ill or injured and need to be sent back home to recuperate and/or see their doctor. It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that the health office has on file current phone numbers for parents/guardians and/or emergency contacts so they can be contacted if a student becomes ill or injured.
If a student is ill with a fever, please keep that student home for 24 hours AFTER THE FEVER HAS SUBSIDED and they are able to return back to school without taking medications. This helps to keep the illness contained and there is less of a chance of it being contagious to other students.
HEALTHY HABITS: Please remember to help keep your student healthy by making sure they have adequate sleep at night and eat a healthy breakfast before coming to school, and also eat an adequate lunch at school.
HYDRATE: On extremely hot days, particularly when we return back to school in the fall, please remind your student to drink sufficient amounts of water during the day to avoid dehydration. Your student can bring bottled water to school, and/or purchase bottled water from the vending machines here at school. Several drinking fountains are available on the school grounds as well.
The health office at First Avenue is committed to keeping all students healthy while they attend school! If a parent has concerns about their students’ health, they may contact me during school hours at (626) 821-8362 ext. 6247 or by e-mail at [email protected].
Spring Tenney, LVN
Business: 626 821-8362
Business: 626 821-8362
extension 6247