English Language Development Curriculum
Achieve success in English for face to face communication and for academic purposes. Spoken (face to face) English is easier than English that is needed for academic reading and writing. Research shows that it takes from five to seven years to be proficient in a second language for academic purposes. Placement in the ELD classes is based on the CELDT (California English Language Development Test) and other criteria such as standardized test scores (California Standards Test ) and teacher recommendation. The curriculum in the ELD classes is based on the California State English Language Development Content standards. Standards are available at: http://www.cde.ca.gov. Look at links for English learners and Standards & Assessments.
Middle School ELD Levels
• Students are grouped by ability, not by grade level
• ELD 1—Beginning/Early Intermediate
• ELD 2---Intermediate
• ELD 3—Early Advanced
ELD 1 Class (Beginning/Early Intermediate)
• Curriculum integrates speaking, listening, reading, and writing
• Meets every day for one block (two periods)
• English (75%)
1. Basic vocabulary and word study
2. Reading
3. Writing
4. Listening and speaking
• Sheltered Social Studies (25%)
1. American culture and holidays
2. Geography
ELD 2 Class (Intermediate)
• More advanced curriculum integrates speaking, listening, reading, and writing
• Meets every day for one block (two periods)
• English (75%)
1. Reading literature
2. Writing longer compositions (with an introduction, body and conclusion)
3. Grammar
4. Vocabulary and word study
5. Speaking and listening
• Sheltered Social Studies --U.S. History (25%)
ELD 3 Class (Early Advanced)
• Student placed in regular English and social studies classes, but still considered ELD
because the student has not met all proficiency requirements (see 8)
• Student receives adjusted assignments and adjusted grades (“Differential Standard”) in mainstream classes when appropriate
• Student is also scheduled for the “0” Period ELD Writing Class (Writing & Literature Analysis)
• Students earn a grade for “0” Period class; preparation and attendance are important
Mainstream Classes for all ELD Students
• Science
• Mathematics
• Electives
• PE
• Letter grades given for all classes, including ELD classes & “0” Period
• “Differential Standard” grade/comment
1. given in mainstream classes when appropriate
2. given to ELD student when he/she is trying, but teacher recognizes that the ELD student needs adjusted grade because the student is still learning English
Reclassification and Exit Requirements (consistent for all ELD students in AUSD)
• Minimum Overall score of Early Advanced or Advanced on annual California English Language Development Test (CELDT) with a minimum score of Intermediate on only one subtest (Reading, Writing, Listening OR Speaking)
• Score of mid Basic (325) or higher on California Standards Test in English Language Arts and Math
• Minimum overall score of 20 on AUSD Writing Assessment with a minimum of 3’s
• Grade of C or better in ELD English
• Academic GPA = 2.0 or higher
• All ELD students’ academic progress is monitored during the year
• Students are monitored for two years after exiting or being reclassified from the ELD program
• At the end of two years, if a reclassified student is making satisfactory or above average progress, then the student is considered Redesignated FEP (Fluent English Proficient), out of the program, and the parent is notified.
Parent Information
• Parents are notified when their child is placed in the ELD program
• Parents are notified when their child is reclassified out of the ELD program
• Progress is reported through report cards & student assessment & standards reports for ELD 1 & 2
• Parents also have the opportunity to participate in the English Learners’ Advisory Committee (ELAC) at each site & district level (DELAC)